Apartment Layout

As our film is based in an apartment for its entirety, we realised a good apartment design was needed.

I began by looking at animated films based in apartments such as ‘The Secret Life of Pets’ and also looked at films by “Illumination Entertainment’ as we really liked the smooth and contrasting shapes they use within their designs.

Then i realised that there wasn’t much point designing things to go into the apartment until we worked out the shape of the apartment, and what needs to be seen and not seen. I began by sketching out Birds Eye Views of apartment idea’s.

I originally drew this out as i like the idea of an open living/kitchen area, i drew the rest of the apartment only to realise that the film will fully take place only in the living room/kitchen area, so the rest is not needed.


In the end we decided on the design below, only we are changing the bookcase to a computer desk.


Unwrapping & Texturing A Boston Taxi

When fixing our story, we realised that we needed a vehicle for the father to leave in, we decided it would make most sense for him to leave in a taxi.

Julie modelled a lovely taxi, and sent to me and i began UV unwrapping it, I unwrapped it in a day or so, i then began the task of texturing it.

Texturing the car was not difficult, what was difficult was deciding on the colour scheme, how to make it resemble a taxi and how to make it clear that it was a ‘Boston’ taxi.


I enjoyed texturing this as it was fun to decide the small details such as the number plate as we called our team ‘V for Pinata’ so i put the number plate down as ‘0V4P 01’ . It was also nice to add details such as scratches, bumps and mud, i the end i thought the taxi looked quite well.

Texturing Minor Assets

After fixing the house, the group asked me to then texture the minor assets of the film such as trash cans, road signs etc.

When going to do this task, some of the uv’s were not textured well or textured at all so i did these as well, which was fine as i find it easier to texture when i understand exactly how the model has been unwrapped.

I don’t mind doing these tasks, even though they take a bit of time and can be quite tedious, i know i can do it.

However during this task, i took ill and my grandmother took very unwell as well, so the task took slightly longer than anticipated.




Possible Poster Idea

Now that i have all the information i have needed for my infographic created, i have began assembling it into one informative poster. here is the first draft. It is quite long and not like your average poster size. However i think it could be effective going up the full size of a wall. It is complete with my map of the United States with their statistics, the state flags and why i drew what i did on each state, pie charts helping visualise the sheer amount of death sentences per state, and the details down in writing rather than in image. The task i set myself was to make an infographic/poster that would be clear and easy to understand even through language barriers, i have given many visual and written options within this poster to help audience read, see, visualise the information i am trying to get across and i feel i have done this task pretty well. Here it is…

usa death stats poster

Death Sentences in USA since 2007

Finally after quite a bit of work i have completed the artistic visual piece for my imaging and data visualisation. I decided to focus this on all the states of America rather than a world wide country to country peice.

I decided to create a map of america with each state divided and easily understandable to those of all languages, for example for Kansas i drew an image of Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz as this film is a world wide phenomenon and Dorothy’s want to go back to Kansas is a memorable and main plot to the story, so therefore when people see Dorothy on the map they could assume or at least hazard a guess that this state is in fact Kansas.

Here is my design…