Work so Far

Yesterday and this morning as a group we have been creating Childrens drawings, teenage diary entries etc from Charlie Babbit’s point of view (Tom Cruise from Rain Man). Here are my pieces so far.

Trying to make them look old has been our biggest difficulty.

A young drawing by Charlie depicting his dead mother as an angel in heaven.



As he grows, so does his love for cars, here is a pen study by Charlie of his dads car



An angry teenage diary entry from Charlie

car ;etter

He defaces his drawing to write about how he hates the car as his dad wont let him drive itcar final

Here is a letter from Charlie after he leaves home



A childhood drawing of charlie, his dad and the rainman



The Rainman

rain man by charlie

This drawing shows rain man and his early adoration for carsrainmandrives

Rain man helps Charlie through hard times, he sees him as a hero and someone who isn’t afraid.



The rest of the group have done a lot of fantastic work as well and i can’t wait to see it all as a scrap book.

Designing Charlie & Raymond

I tried to redesign Charlie and Raymond for our comic, making them very simple with big heads and small bodies. I quite like this design but i worry about how useable it will be in a comic, i may draw out a scene using the characters to see how they look and how i can work with them.

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Character Descriptions



After watching the film and reading Vogler’s book, i decided to write about the characters jouney in the film and discuss what type of arche type they may be. I wrote about any character who had an impact to the story in any important way. I wrote about Charlie and Raymond Babbit, Susanna, Vern, Dr Bruner, Iris and Sally Dibbs. 20140207_230747



